Code of Ethics

In PESPESCA S.A. we are committed to continuous improvement processes, taking as a goal our corporate mission and vision, which derive in the commitment of the organization for the welfare of our employees; we have implemented comprehensive management systems, which allow us to demonstrate the effectiveness of the processes. Contributing to quality, environment, safety, occupational health and compliance with laws and requirements.The Ethical Code of PESPESCA S.A is totally aligned with the Code of Conduct of Amfori BSCI, which establishes and defines the principles that govern professional behavior.We invite our suppliers and contractors to be part of the fulfillment of our business ethics code, emphasizing the respect to human and labor rights and ethical principles. The PESPESCA family is committed to the fulfillment of labor, environmental, security and social responsibility policies, for which it adheres to the following principles.1.- Rights of Freedom of Association and Collective BargainingThe Code of Ethics will apply to all who are part of Our suppliers: (a) respect the right of workers to form unions freely and democratically, (b) not discriminate against workers because of their membership in a union, and (c) respect the rights of workers to bargain collectively.Our suppliers shall not prevent worker representatives from having access to, or interacting with, workers in the workplace.When operating in countries where trade union activity is illegal or where free and democratic trade union activity is not permitted, suppliers shall respect this principle and allow workers to freely elect their own representatives, with whom the company may engage in dialogue on workplace issues.Non-discrimination.Our suppliers shall not discriminate, exclude or have certain preferences towards persons on the basis of gender, age, religion, race, caste, birth, social origin, disability, ethnicity and national origin, nationality, membership of a trade union or other legitimate organization, political opinion or affiliation, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, illness or any other condition that could give rise to discrimination. In particular, workers shall not be harassed or punished on any of the above grounds.3.- Fair remuneration.Our suppliers comply with this principle when they respect the right of workers to receive a fair remuneration that is sufficient to provide a dignified life for them and their families, as well as to receive the legal social benefits, without prejudice to the specific expectations presented below.Our suppliers must, at a minimum, comply with wages set by government minimum wage legislation or with agreed-upon industry standards through collective bargaining, whichever are higher.Wages must be paid promptly, regularly and in legal tender. Partial payment will be accepted in the form of "in kind" remuneration, in accordance with ILO specifications. The level of salaries should reflect the skills and education of the workers and should refer to an ordinary working day.Deductions will only be permitted to the extent and under the conditions stipulated by law or set out in the collective agreement.4.- Decent working day.Our suppliers comply with this principle by ensuring that workers do not work more than 48 hours per week, without prejudice to specific expectations set forth below. In any case, PESPESCA S.A. recognizes the exceptions contemplated by the ILO.The national legislation in force, the industrial standards of reference or the collective agreements will be interpreted within the international framework stipulated by the ILO. In exceptional cases defined by the ILO, the limit of working hours described above may be exceeded, in which case overtime will be allowed.Overtime shall be exceptional, voluntary, paid at a higher rate of at least 1.25 with respect to the usual rate and shall not imply a significantly higher probability of occupational risk. In addition, our suppliers must grant their workers the right to rest periods in each working day and the right to at least one day off for every seven days of work, unless exceptions defined in the collective agreement apply.For work performed in fishing activities, the applicable requirements will be those contained in ILO Convention 188 on work in the fishing industry.5.- Safety and Health at Work.6. Do not discard tuna on board. The supplier is obliged not to carry out selection of catches and discards in favour of the best specimens on board the vessels because this would have an impact on the sustainability of the tuna stocks.7. No transshipments at seai.The fish caught by the vessel cannot be transshipped at sea, either on the high seas or within the EEZs (Exclusive Economic Zones), territorial waters or archipelagic waters, except in the exceptions provided for by ISSF (International Seafood Sustainability Foundation).8. Commit to the return of non-target species and the reduction of bycatch.i. Fishing activities must be carried out with a firm commitment to returning non-target species and reducing bycatch as a way to limit the impact of fishing activities on biodiversity to a minimum.9. Periodically train the crew in good fishing practices and conservation measures.i. Compliance with the above specifications implies that the crew is fully informed of their rights and obligations on board, as well as receiving adequate training in good fishing practices and conservation measures.10. In the case of large scale tuna purse seiners, to be part of the PVR (Proactive Vessel Register) of ISSF (International Seafood Sustainability Foundation)i. All large scale tuna purse seine vessels that are suppliers to the Calvo Group must be registered, without exception, in the ISSF PVR Vessel Registry and comply with all principles, including, but not limited to, the mandatory use of a non-trammelable FAD (Fish Aggregating Device). The principles of the PVR can be consulted at the following link: on 16/11/2020