Pespesca in the search to consolidate our Corporate Vision of being a respected, reliable company, leader in the processing and commercialization of products derived from fishing, maintaining high quality standards.
To become a leading company, always permanently and fully satisfying the changing needs and expectations of the market and our clients.
Produce competitively with quality and manage to market our products in various countries and become a leading company, always permanently and fully satisfying the changing needs and expectations of the market and our customers.
The direction
It is committed to the operation of the Integrated Management System, with the achievement of the objectives and an effective communication with the interested parties; provide the necessary resources and develop employees to support the Management System.
Compliance with laws and requirements
We are convinced that the support to maintain the trust of all stakeholders in the business is transparency. For this reason, we promote compliance with current applicable legal regulations, as well as corporate requirements, of our clients and principles of our management system.
Continuous improvement
We believe that sustained success can only be achieved through the development and commitment of our employees, which is why we constantly review our management indicators for decision-making and strategy execution. We optimize our processes through the use of tools for a better planning, organization and execution of our activities and projects.
Quality and Food Safety
Our clients and consumers are the center of our attention. We are committed to the quality, safety and food safety of our products.
In order to maintain the maximum level of efficiency, the activities of PESPESCA SA have been systematized in procedures and technical instructions, and a system for analyzing hazards and critical control points (HACCP) has been implemented that complies with current legal requirements and expectations of our customers.
Commitment to the environment
We comply with environmental regulations and monitoring plans that guarantee and allow the monitoring of the proper use of natural resources, preventing pollution and disposing of waste appropriately. We maintain reforestation projects in order to improve and contribute to our environment.
Occupational health and safety
PESPESCA S.A. Being a high risk company, it provides a safe and healthy work environment for its workers, clients and suppliers in order to prevent occupational accidents, occupational diseases, and damage to the environment; complying with the norms, current laws and acquired commitments; with the purpose of reaching the highest standards of safety, hygiene and occupational health.
Comply with the development of the prevention plan, to disseminate it to all personnel and to promote its compliance both in the plant facilities and on board the ships.
Finally PESPESCA S.A. expresses its desire that the entire organization, both at the plant facilities and on board the ships, be involved in the development of the prevention plan, collaborating in its implementation and assuming each one the corresponding obligations.
Physical security
We are committed to maintaining controls that guarantee the protection of employees, infrastructures and assets of the company; having as a goal to safeguard that our operations are carried out under the protection and compliance with current and applicable legal regulations in order that our products reach customers within the contractual agreements.
All of us who belong to PESPESCA S. A., are committed to complying with this Policy.